
2025-2026 Continuing Students

Course Descriptions for 2025-2026

2025-2026 Course Request Forms
7th Grade Course Request
8th Grade Course Request
9th Grade Course Request

7th Grade
Course request forms and registration packets were distributed to elementary schools on Thursday, January 30.  Please complete the 7th Grade Course Request form and submit the completed form at the 7th Grade Open House on Thursday, February 6 from 5:45-7:00 p.m.
If you are unable to attend the open house, you can email the completed form to your KJH school counselor or submit the paper form to the KJH main office or to your 6th grade teacher no later than Friday, February 14.

8th Grade
School counselors will visit 7th grade CCA classes to share registration information and distribute 8th Grade Course Request forms on Wednesday, February 19. Please complete your course request form and return it to the school counseling office no later than Friday, February 28.

9th Grade
School counselors visit 8th grade English classes to share registration information and distribute 9th Grade Course Request forms on Thursday and Friday, February 20 and 21. Please complete your course request form and return it to the school counseling office no later than Friday, February 28.

If you have questions, please contact your student's school counselor. We are happy to help!
Mr. Brown - Last names A-G - - 801-402-7212
Ms. VanDyke - Last names H-O - - 801-402-7211
Mrs. Erickson - Last names P-Z - - 801-402-7210

Please note: If students do not submit a completed course request, the computer will randomly assign classes to them.

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New Student Enrollment

Welcome to Kaysville Jr. High!
New students are students who come to KJH from outside of Davis School District or who are new to KJH boundaries. This does not include incoming 7th grade students who registered at their elementary school the previous year.

Call or email the school registrar to schedule a registration appointment:
Mrs. Williams
Email Mrs. Williams

Print, complete, sign, and date the following forms:

Bring the completed forms from Step 2 and the following items to your appointment:

  • Student's Birth Certificate (a copy is fine)

  • Legal Guardian's Current/Valid Photo ID

  • Student's Immunization Record (View Requirements (English) (Spanish))

  • TWO Proof of Residency Documents (Details)

  • Any withdrawal documentation from the last school the student attended

Additional Forms and Information
MyDSD Account Setup and Laptop Checkout
Media Waiver
Registration and Class Fees
District Fee Schedule